Focus on game design, development, gaming culture and freelance lifestyle.
Which Unity license should I get? A reasonable question. Unity comes in several varieties and depending on your goals, you will need a different license. Two questions arise most frequently: 1) Should I get a paid version (Unity Personal vs Unity Plus)? 2) Is it worth investing in a Pro version (Unity Plus vs Unity […]
Update June 2017: Unity 5.6 comes with improved NavMeshes! They are now component-based, allowing for multiple NavMeshes per scene. In addition, procedurally generated and dynamically loaded content is now supported – just generate the level and set the NavMesh to Bake! 😉 Hey fellow game developer, what kind of games do you want to make? […]
Greetings, fellow coders and game designers! Today’s topic is how we can build a Unity AI inside a game by using visual scripting systems. This post is an introduction, so we’ll keep things simple. We’ll compare two powerful tools: Playmaker and Behavior Designer (follow the links for their full reviews). For Pathfinding both of them use Unity NavMesh Agents, […]
Are you an indie game developer? And are you interested in creating beautiful landscapes? Great! I’ve tried the most popular Unity Terrain extensions on the Asset Store and the four below are my favorites. Let’s check them out! First, a note about the rankings. The 4 top Unity Terrain Generators below are evaluated based on two key characteristics: 1) the power and features they […]
Hey everybody, I present to you Exploder – the Unity asset which makes 3D meshes go BOOM! Every now and then I stumble upon little gems like this one on the Unity Asset Store. In making your games have you ever needed to shatter an object into hundreds of pieces? This is when this asset comes into play. […]
Behavior Designer (available on the Asset Store) is a Unity Game Development extension for visual scripting. With it you can create behavior trees – a series of tasks and transitions which form the AI decision making process. The behavior trees are very powerful, but the true beauty shines in their simplicity. Whether you are a sole indie developer, or on the team of […]
Unity 3D is the perfect platform for creating first person shooter games. However, 3D shooters are notoriously complex. Thankfully, there are several powerful Player Controller assets on the Unity Asset Store. Of them, the most popular and highest rated is UFPS: Ultimate FPS (available here on the Asset Store). UFPS is simply the best Unity […]
If you’ve ever researched the Unity MonoDevelop vs Visual Studio controversy on the programming forums, you already know how passionate developers can be about their favorite tools. Devotional praise and heated vitriol are spilling over the keyboards 🙂 . And since a lot of the posted opinions are contradictory, a starting developer in Unity can become anxious about […]
Update March 20, 2017: Unity announced that TextMesh Pro will be integrated in Unity 2017! Yay! Our complaining has worked! 😀 If you have ever tried to add text in Unity, you are familiar with the weird blurry result. For all the power and greatness which Unity possesses, its default UI text is just… shameful. […]
Do you want to create games with beautiful and vast landscapes for your players to explore? If so, meet Gaia, one of the top Unity Terrain Extensions (check it out on the Unity Asset Store). I love Unity’s simplicity and power, but in some aspects it isn’t complete – and this is the case with land topography. While […]
The Unity Asset Store is a treasure chest of awesome tools for building games. Most of the offers are paid, but did you know that there are some powerful and very useful assets released for free? Such quality solutions are not only friendly to budget-sensitive indie developers but often beat the paid offers in terms […]
Shader Forge (available here) is a rare gem on the Unity Asset Store. This shader editor features a node-based structure that is intuitive and versatile (and might remind some of you of Unreal Engine, but shush). It’s no wonder that this asset has a perfect 5-Start rating from over 1K user reviews. Before Shader Forge, if you wanted a unique […]